Sanctification; Love, Loving, Slaughter, Murder; 16 means that God has provided and prepared everything we need (‘we rest’ with 10) + 6-Hook- Waw. 16 is used 21 times in the Bible. Christians are to become perfected in God’s love not just by physically obeying the Commandments (which should be done anyway), but also by following the full spiritual INTENT of our Creator’s laws and judgments. This duality of true love is represented by 8+8=16. 16 means “Strength”, “where;” 16 is tied to 21; 16 also means “hyssop, to grasp, seize; to hold fast; to take fright; to join together; fasten in; to cover over; to shut fast; to take out (by lot), property, “Seizer” or “Possessor”; clamorous bird, vulture, falcon, where?, where now?, anywhere; criers, howlers; jackals, so often as, to shine, gleam, marble; alabaster, to despise; cut off, plunder, spoil, rob;” Connected to 12 via “to prate, babble.” 16 is also “idle talk, prating, to flee, to hasten away; refuge, to gush, burst forth, to breathe, to live, to be or exist; to breathe after or desire; to expire, die; ruin; desire, cupidity; calamity; mischievousness, he, she, it; she; she is, was, to enclose, envelope, to cut into, to cleave, to be sharp, pointed, to be eager, quick, fierce; to sharpen, brighten; “Sharpness”, to be bound, indebted; debt, to behold, look on, a hook or ring, to be miry, dirty; to twine or bind together; to fast, to be becoming, suitable.” 16 – Love goes along with Murder?! This is the reason why we see so many murders because of…love 🙂 16 = 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 or 4 x 4.


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